The NGTC-BTIR2 is a universal Bluetooth® AES67 enabled audio interface for the Genesis Technologies™ audio distribution solution.

It features an API for navigation, configuration and management.

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The NGTC-BTIR2 is a Bluetooth 5.0 to AES67 audio gateway that can be used in sink or source mode. It supports all current audio codes and it is compatible with all the different Bluetooth sources and sinks. It has 2x2 AES67 channels with an interface for audio processing by the NGTC digital signal processor.

It can be easily interfaced with 3rd party control systems via the API on the communication control network port.

It is powered by POE on the AES67 port. Its own web UI is used to configure the AES67 interface. The additional LAN port is only used for control and can be configured by web UI.

Subsections of BTIR2


The NGTC-BTI Bluetooth interface is working in the 2.4Ghz band. It is essential to mount it as “free” are possible in the space to not reduce reception. Any metal shielding should be avoided!

The BTI should be mounted on a flat surface with it’s two mounting brackets

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  1. AES67 network interface (POE)
  2. Control network interface
  3. Blutooth Area, keep clear!
  4. Mounting Bracket Positions

All connections to the NGTC-BTI should be made before power is applied

• Attach the LAN network port to the control network switch, using an UTP CAT-5 cable
• Attach the AES67 network port to the AES67/Dante POE network switch, using an UTP CAT-5 cable.


Setup interoperability between BTI and Dante devices


AES67 interoperability settings are required for every Dante device that should receive a AES67 stream

To enable your Dante devices to receive an AES67 stream, AES67 interoperability must be enabled. This is done by using Audinate’s Dante Controller, which can be obtained from the Audinate website or any other manufacturer specific software tool.

In Dante controller all your Dante devices that are connected to the network will show up automatically.

  1. Start the Dante Controller Software and wait for it to be synchronized with the network
  2. Select the “device info” tab in the software
  3. Double click on the DSP you would like to configure for AES67, a new window will open
  4. Select the “AES67 config” tab
  5. Enable AES67 mode and make a note of the Tx multicast prefix. You will need this number later, even if you are not using the DSP as a transmitter. This must be the same for all DSP’s that are ready for AES67.
  6. Reboot the Dante device
  7. This needs to be done with every Dante device that will receive an AES67 stream

Picture Picture

Subsections of Configuration

Control Network Setup

Control Network Address Setup

The setup of the control network of the BTI will be done via it’s Web UI. It is self-explaining


By default the interface is set to DHCP

Please make sure your computer network address is in the same network range to access the setup pages


Default web UI username and password


Picture Picture

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Refer to the MAC address if multiple MCP’s are in the network to identify the right unit. The MAC address is also printed on each units bottom cover as QR Code.


To reset the control network address use the USR IOT tool

The tool does allow you to search and reset the network settings

AES67 Network Setup

To configure the AES67 download latest generation Audio Grid Controller Software. Your PC needs to be connected to the AES67 network and have its addressing set in the same IP range.


AES67 Network Address Setup

Start the software and go to the “Device Config” tab

  1. Select the device to be configured
  2. Enter “IP Address” and “Subnet Mask”
  3. Hit “Apply”

AES67 Stream Address Setup


The AES67 stream of each device needs to be configured to be received by the Dante/AES67 devices

Start the software and go to the “Device Config” tab

  1. Select the device to be configured
  2. Select “Create / Delete” in the “Multicst flow” selection

Picture Picture

  1. In the Multicast flow config, click on “AG” first and then on “AES67”. Next, select the “Manual IP and Port” option.
  2. You can set your desired multicast IP. Typically in combination with Dante Audio products, the multicast IP starts with “239.69.”, port 5004.
  3. Select the channels that should be multicast.
  4. Click on “Create”.

Picture Picture

Audio Routing using Audinate’s Dante Controller

Natively the audio routing can be done by using Audinate’s Dante Controller in case if its not auto configured by the DSP’s management software. In Dante Controller all your Dante and AES67 devices that are connected to the network will show up automatically.

The BTI will be shown at the ‘‘Dante Transmitters’’ part, using its multicast address@hostname-HH-HH-HH where ‘‘HH-HH-HH’’ are the last three bytes of the devices MAC address.

Channel assignment

  • Make the audio connections in the Dante controller

Picture Picture

Control API

This section describes the communication protocol between the control system and the BTI

The BTI Configurator does use the same protocol, see its debug window for more information


Please use >80ms between each command sent

Connection TCP (NGTC-BTI is server), Port 20108
Command Format AT+ Command {=Param1{, Param2{, Param3…}}}<CR><LF>
Reply Format <CR><LF>+reply {=Param1{, Param2{, Param3…}}} <CR><LF>

<CR> stands for “carriage return”, corresponding hex is 0x0D
<LF> stands for “line feed”, corresponding hex is 0x0A


Command Format Details

All commands start with “AT”, end with <CR><LF>
If a command has a parameter, the parameter is behind the “=”
If a command has multiple parameters, the parameters must be separated by “,”


Reply Format Details

All replies start with <CR><LF> and end with <CR><LF>
If a reply has a parameter, the parameter is behind the “=”
If a reply has multiple parameters, the parameters must be separated by “,”
The interface will always report the execution result using “OK” for success or “ERROR” for failure


Read BTI’s Bluetooth name

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+NAME<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Set BTI’s Bluetooth name

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+NAME=Parameter<CR><LF>
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Subsections of Control API


Request firmware version

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+VER<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>>+VER=20171125,NGTC-BTI<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Bluetooth General

Request Bluetooth MAC address

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+ADDR<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>>+ADDR=DC0D30123456<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request Bluetooth name

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+NAME<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Set Bluetooth name

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+NAME=Parameter<CR><LF>
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Release all Bluetooth connections

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+DSCA<CR><LF>
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Release all Bluetooth connections and reboot

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Set Bluetooth discoverability and connection

  • Undiscoverable = disconnect all devices connected and set’s the NGTC-BTI into an unconnectable and undiscoverable mode
Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+BTEN=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Undiscoverable
1: operational
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request Bluetooth discoverability and connection

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+BTEN<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+BTEN=1<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request operation status


Status parameter will be reported in bit representation

Communication Command Parameter Example
BIT[1]: Non Discoverable; 1: Discoverable
BIT[2]: Non Advertising; 1: Advertising
BIT[3]: Non Scanning; 1: Scanning
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+DEVSTAT=9<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Set auto connect


This command needs a reboot to activate

  • The NGTC-BTI will attempt to reconnect last device after power on
Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+AUTOCONN=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Off
1: 15 Attempts
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request auto connect

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+AUTOCONN=1<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Restore all Bluetooth parameters to factory default


BTI module needs to be power cycled afterwards

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Bluetooth Audio

Set volume of connected Bluetooth device


Please watch the volume carefully There is no real standard for the source volume.
If you all the way to 15, you may overload the interface and it will result in distortion

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+SPKVOL=Parameter<CR><LF>
+: UP
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request volume of connected Bluetooth device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+SPKVOL=10<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Operation Mode

Set operation mode


BTI module will reboot and all device profiles will be deleted

  • Set’s the NGTC-BTI to sink(stream from device to BTI or source) or source(stream from BTI to headphone)
Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+A2DPROLE=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Sink
1: Source
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request operation mode

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPROLE=1<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Sink Mode


To use the commands below the BTI needs to be switched to sink mode first

Set pairing active/inactive

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PAIR=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Off
1: On
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request pairing active/inactive status

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PAIR<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+PAIR=1<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Activate simple/secure pairing

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+SSP=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Off
1: On
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request simple/secure pairing status

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+SSP<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+SSP=0<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Set BTI’s pin code

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PIN=Parameter<CR><LF>
4-15 ASCII numbers
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request BTI’s pin code

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PIN<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+PIN=1234<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Clear a paired record


If the device (headphone/speaker) is deleted in the BTI it needs to be reconnected to work

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PLIST=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Clear list
x: Clear index (x)
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request paired records

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PLIST<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+PLIST=1,123456ABCDEF <CR><LF>
<CR><LF>+PLIST=1,ABCDEF123456 <CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Reconnect to Bluetooth device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+A2DPCONN=Parameter<CR><LF>
No parameter: To last device
MAC: Mac of target device (12 Bytes ASCII)
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPCONN=123456ABCEDF<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Release Bluetooth connection to device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request status of connected device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPSTAT=4<CR><LF>
0: Unsupported
1: Standby
2: Connecting
3: Connected
4: Streaming
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Nofification address of connected device


Event at device connection only, cannot be requested by control system

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPDEV=123456ABCDEF <CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request codex used by the connected device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+A2DPDEC<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPDEC=1<CR><LF>
0: Invalid
1: SBC
2: MP3
3: AAC
6: APTX-Sprint
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Set ID track feedback


This command needs a reboot to activate

  • Parameter: Default is 11, Base 10 representation of a bit
Communication Command Parameter Example
BIT[0]: Auto get rack ID3 information (title, artist, album) on track changed (default 1)
BIT[1-3]: Auto get track state (play progress) if value >0 (default 5sec)
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request status of connected device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+AVRCPSTAT=4<CR><LF>
0: Unsupported
1: Standby
2: Connecting
3: Connected
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Nofification Mediaplayer play progress


Event at device connection only, cannot be requested by control system

Communication Command Parameter Example
Param1: (0-4) Media Player State – please see PLAYSTAT parameters
Param2:(Decimal ASCII), Elapsed time of current track in ms
Param3:(Decimal ASCII), Total time of track in ms
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+TRACKSTAT=1,142000,248000 <CR><LF>

Nofification Mediaplayer track info


Event at device connection only, cannot be requested by control system

Communication Command Parameter Example
Param1: Title
Param2: Artist
Param3: Album
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+TRACKINFO=Creep<FF>Radiohead<FF>Pablo Honey <CR><LF>

Nofification Mediaplayer status of the connected device


Event at device connection only, cannot be requested by control system

Communication Command Parameter Example
0: Stopped
1: Playing
2: Paused
3: Fast Forward
4: Fast Rewind
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+PLAYSTAT=1<CR><LF>

Transport Play/Pause

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Transport Play

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PLAY<CR><LF>
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Transport Pause

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PAUSE<CR><LF>
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Transport Stop

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+STOP<CR><LF>
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Transport Track Forward

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Transport Track Backward

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Source Mode


To use the commands below the BTI needs to be switched to source mode first

Set autoscan

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+INQCFG=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Off
1: On
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request autoscan status

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+INQCFG=10<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Clear a paired record


If the device (headphone/speaker) is deleted in the BTI it needs to be reconnected to work

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PLIST=Parameter<CR><LF>
0: Clear list
x: Clear index (x)
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request paired records

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+PLIST<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+PLIST=1,123456ABCDEF <CR><LF>
<CR><LF>+PLIST=1,ABCDEF123456 <CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Reconnect to Bluetooth device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+A2DPCONN=Parameter<CR><LF>
No parameter: To last device
MAC: Mac of target device (12 Bytes ASCII)
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPCONN=123456ABCEDF<CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Release Bluetooth connection to device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request status of connected device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPSTAT=4<CR><LF>
0: Unsupported
1: Standby
2: Connecting
3: Connected
4: Streaming
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Nofification address of connected device


Event at device connection only, cannot be requested by control system

Communication Command Parameter Example
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPDEV=123456ABCDEF <CR><LF>
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>

Request codex used by the connected device

Communication Command Parameter Example
Request AT+A2DPDEC<CR><LF>
Reply #1 <CR><LF>+A2DPDEC=1<CR><LF>
1: SBC
Reply #2 <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>


OS Support
OS iOS, PC, MAC and Android
Standards V5 down to V1.1, Class 1.5
Band 2.402 – 2.480 GHz
Audio Format All (SBC,aptx HD,LL)
AES67 Network with WebUI
Physical Level Standard Ethernet
Connector Single RJ-45
Cable Quality CAT-5/6/7
Transmission Speed 100 Mbps Full Duplex
Control Network with WebUI
Physical Level Standard Ethernet
Connector Single RJ-45
Cable Quality CAT-5/6/7
Transmission Speed 100 Mbps Full Duplex
Power POE, 3W max
Total heat dissipation max 10.00 BTU/hr
Operating temp 5°C – 30°C
Dimensions L: 110mm, W: 74mm, H:25mm
Compliance CE, ROHS

Audio Channel Assignment

Channel Assignment
1 Left Channel
2 Right Channel

CAD step file

Step files

Bluetooth facts and figures

How does Bluetooth work

The simplest explanation for how Bluetooth works is that data/audio is continuously transferred from a paired Bluetooth transmitter to a paired receiver. Pairing is just the bonding procedure between devices so that you don’t have to enter access or security information, like passwords or passkeys, each time the devices need to establish a connection. Bluetooth operates in the frequency range of (2.402 -2.480GHz). Once a secure connection is established between a transmitter and receiver, data is split into small packets, which are then transferred at alternating frequencies. The type of Bluetooth and profiles may vary, but the core architecture remains the same. To avoid interference with other devices that may also use the ISM (industrial, science, and medical) bandwidth of 2.4Ghz, Bluetooth devices randomly hop between frequencies 1600 times per second until all the packets are transferred.

Picture Picture

Bluetooth version and profiles

The NGTC-BTI supports Bluetooth 5.x, the most recent iteration of Bluetooth. It has twice the bandwidth of V4.x. The NGTC-BTI supports only audio related transmission, no data communication or phone/handsfree functionality.

A2DP- Advanced Audio Distribution Profile

Stereo audio transmission. This is the most important profile for Bluetooth as mono audio is not suited for listening to music.

AVRCP - Audio/Video Remote Control Profile

Adds control for media playback such as skipping tracks, play/pause, and meta data.

Which Bluetooth Codec is the best?

Codecs are encoding and decoding algorithms that compress audio into manageable data packets for faster or wireless transmission. The efficiency of the codec will determine the quality and rate at which the audio data is sent. SBC is the default sub-band coding for most Bluetooth devices. However, since this codec has a relatively high latency and may be a bit lossy, companies have developed their own encoding algorithms.

SBC – Sub-band Coding

The mandatory and default codec for all stereo Bluetooth headphones with the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP). It is capable of bit rates up to 328 kbps with a sampling rate of 44.1kHz. It provides fairly good audio quality without requiring a lot of processing power to encode or decode. However, the audio quality can be a bit inconsistent at times. This is especially noticeable with a cheap Bluetooth transmitter.

AAC – Advanced Audio Coding

Similar to SBC, but with better sound quality. This codec is mostly popular with Apple’s iTunes platform and some other non-wireless applications. However, it’s not very common, especially for headphones.

aptX - A proprietary and optional codec designed by CSR

It’s ideal for demanding audio applications since it encodes audio more efficiently and at a slightly higher rate than SBC. There are also two additional variations, aptX Low Latency and aptX HD, that either drastically reduces the latency of the connection or significantly improves its audio quality. However, it’s a bit limiting, as both the Bluetooth transmitter and receiver must have aptX or its variations for the codec to work.


Codecs have a bigger impact on latency than on sound quality for most listeners. The default SBC connection typically has more than 100ms of latency, which is noticeable when listening to music but may be severe enough to ruin your movie experience. To fix some of the sync issues caused by latency, CSR developed the aptX and subsequently the aptX Low Latency codec. Regular aptX does somewhat improve latency due to its more efficient encoding algorithm than SBC. However, aptX-LL has the most noticeable impact on latency.

Codec Latency
SBC 173ms
aptX 166ms
aptx LL 34ms

Codecs are the algorithms that compress data for easier and faster transmission. Better encoding and decoding algorithms mean less lossy transmission which can help with audio quality. We have noticed that codecs have a bigger impact on latency than on audio quality. The subtle changes in audio quality due to a codec like aptX are negligible when compared to the reduced latency aptX Low Latency connection. However, since both Bluetooth devices (source/sink) have to support the codec for it to work, you will most often rely on the default sub-band coding (SBC), as there are not many Bluetooth devices that support aptX and even less for aptX-LL.



Welcome to the Firmware section!

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Subsections of Firmware


Known Firmware issues

  • V4.0.3: AT+PLIST command is faulty, No Audio in Master/Source mode
  • V4.04: AT+PLIST command is faulty
  • V4.05: Module does turn off after 10min if no source connected

Audio Card

Audio Card Firmware Update

The latest generation of BTIR2 features an AES67 daughter board that fully supports AES67, ensuring compatibility with Dante™. Additionally, these devices have mDNS discovery enabled, allowing them to be detected in the Dante Controller, similar to a Dante product.

However, starting with Dante Controller V12, a pop-up message may appear indicating that unlicensed Dante™ products are being used. To address this, the new firmware will disable Dante™ discovery, and all R2 units will be recognized as AES67 devices.

Update to the Latest AES67 only Firmware Release

  1. Download the latest programmer and firmware files
  2. Unzip the firmware files ( into a folder.
  3. Run the updater tool (Fdt_factory1.63.exe). Note that the discovery function works for up to 10 units. If you have more units, use the IP address filter for efficient navigation.
  4. Open the FPGA firmware file with the updater tool (fpga_a404_4108.bit).
  5. Open the MCU firmware file with the updater tool (mcu_407d_4101.bin).

Picture Picture

  1. Update all units with the new MCU by clicking in the field MCU Upgrade.
  2. Update all units with the new FPGA by clicking in the field FPGA Upgrade.
  3. Select all updated units in the latest row for reboot.
  4. Click “Reboot”.

After the reboot, click “Refresh” to update the device list. If the devices appear as expected, you can proceed with the update process.

  1. Open the Initialize data file with the updater tool (BTIR2-T4R6-AES67.c).

Picture Picture

  1. Update all units with the new Init data fle by clicking in the field Init Data.
  2. Select all updated units in the latest row for reboot.
  3. Click “Reboot”.

After the reboot, you need to set the multicast address for AES67 to work. Use the Audio Grid Controller to do this.

Refer to the following instructions to configure it with the AudioGrid controller